There are multiple reasons. The most simple answer is because the rain that we consider acidic has a low pH; it has a higher amount of hydrogen ions.
Why does this happen? One is because of the release of sulfur dioxide into the environment to which we humans often contributed. However, it is also possible that increased levels of nitrogen oxide would have this effect as well. And nitrogen oxide can be released through lightning or volcanic eruptions, so these are occurences in nature that don't have anything to do with humans.
Answer: There’s no text, but I can tell you this: Watching television and generally using any piece of technology creates demand for electricity, this allows businesses such as coal power plants to make a profit and stay in business. needless to say, coal power plants, due to their burning of coal, release CO2 into the atmosphere, adding to global warming.
A. The peasent threatens Valjean with a gun
Prejudice makes us judge different people as wrong and dangerous and because of that, we can even do things harmful to these people, in an attempt to get rid of some evil that we created in our head, but that we believe that person who is different can do.
An example of this is when the peasent watches Valjean approaching. Valjean is totally different, both aesthetically and in his way of acting. The peasent believes that this means that Valjean is dangerous and tries to protect himself by threatening him with a weapon.
"However, chores are building blocks for a firm foundation."
A metaphor is where one thing is described / compared to another thing, without the use of words such as "like" or "as". It is where one thing is described by directly referring to another.
In this case, "chores" are not actual "building blocks", but are described as being like them, by directly referencing them as building blocks, but without the use of words such as "like" or "as".
Hope this helps!
NOTE: If there is a word such as "like" or "as" (e.g. He was like a lion), than it would be a simile.