This reflexive pronoun is the best fit because it needs to agree with the antecedent--in this case "scholars". Because scholars is plural, the pronoun also needs to be plural. Themselves is a plural reflexive pronoun, so it will properly complete the sentence.
Ponyboy suggests that the main difference was "money that separated us", but Cherry also thought that there was something more that made the groups different(38). According to Cherry Valance, the main dividing factor was how the two groups dealt with their emotions: "You greasers have a different set of values.
You can develop a thesis statement by answering three questions:
What is my topic?
What am I trying to say about that topic?
Why is this important to me or my reader?
The thesis statement is placed within the introduction of the essay. It is usually found at the end of the first paragraph, but if the essay is particularly long, the thesis may also appear in the second or third paragraph. If the "essay" is only one paragraph long, the thesis statement is usually in the first or second sentence.
To hit someone
In the head slowly
If you are writing an Argumentative Essay, a counterclaim is a claim that acknowledges the opponent's claim, and proves your point further.