1. Leads to mixing of genetic materials hence variation within species
2. Leads to offspring with hybrid viguor that tend to show high and adaptability to environmental conditions.
3. Variations due to sexual reproduction leads to improvement of species hence evolutionary changes that may bring about specialisation
Basically the seed contains 2 parts, the testa, which is the seed coat that protects the seed and cotelydon, which is the inside of the seed, containing the radical and plumle.
for seed to germinate, we need 3 basic conditions,
warmth, it is the suitable temperature for seed germination, it can influence the activity of enzymes. providing a optimum temperature
water, to soften down the testa so that the shoot can break out from the testa
and oxygen, for aerobic respiration
If these conditions are absent, the seed may be in the state of dormancy. where is won't germinate until it meets the suitable conduction.
after that, the enzyme will digest the nutrient inside the seed and provide amino acid, which is necessary to seed germination. and meanwhile the aerobic respiration provides energy, so that the plumlecan shoot out, and be the shoot of the plant.
and then until it grows leaves, it'll start to complete photosynthesis, instead of using the nutrients inside the cotelydon.
Mineral X is softer than a diamond.
The hemocytoblast (option B) are the parent cell for all formed elements of blood
All blood cells are originated from a common stem cell, which is called a pluripotent stem cell. It is capable of giving rise to any of the blood cells maintaining its existence through mitosis. By dividing pluripotent stem cells, new cells are originated, which become multipotent and differentiate into lymphoid (NK cell and the polymorphonuclear cell) or myeloid cells (megakaryocite); always respecting the original quantity.
Need more info can’t really get an answer out of this sorry :/