the birth rate on Earth is higher than the death rate
The dense fog covered the town. The alarm rang earlier than usual
this morning. Explanation: “The alarm rang earlier than usual this morning” and “The dense fog covered the town” are details about the time and place. They are pieces of textual evidence that describe the setting.
Answer: C. The C horizon is very deep.
Horizons are the layers of soil develops as a result of soil formation. Horizon lies parallel to the earth surface. Each horizon differs from the other on the basis of amount or organic matter present, color of the soil, texture of soil and other components making up horizon, and amount and type of minerals present in the soil.
C horizon is the horizon that lies deeper region of the collective soil horizon. It consist of unweathered or partially weathered rocks or their aggregates. Therefore, it retains the original chemical composition of the parent rock. This results in the higher mineral content as compared to other horizons. This horizon also lacks the organic matter as no or very little decomposition activity of plant and animal matter takes place. Therefore, color of soil in this horizon in the absence of organic matter remains light.
Hence, a sample of soil from a C horizon is light brown in color and has a high content of a mineral called feldspar is because of the fact that the C horizon is very deep.
To compute inpiratory reserve volume (irv), one would need to know and it is: IRV = VC - (TV+ERV)
Inspiratory reserve volume is the maximal amount or more air that can be drawn into the lungs by determine effort after normal inspiration - assimilate expiratory reserve volume.