Fraction is a part of a whole, for example 1/2. Equivalent fractions are fractions that look different but show the same amount. Improper fractions have numerators that are higher than the denominator, while mixed fractions contain whole numbers and fractions.
In order to compare fractions, you need to change them so they have the same denominator. Fractions can be converted into decimals. You need to be able to work out a fraction of a given quantity.
Fractions of a quantity
How do we find 3/5 of 20?
Method 1 is to find 1/5 of 20, then multiply by 3.
1/5 of 20 is 20 ÷ 5 = 4.
We need 3/5 of 20, so we multiply 4 by 3.
3/5 of 20 = 4 × 3 = 12.
you can put this in your calculator:
3/5<span> × 20 = </span>3/5<span> × </span>20/1<span> = </span>60/5<span> = 12</span>
y - 65 = -10(x - 6)
is what i say it is but im not for sure, so sry if im wrong.
If Heather puts in 1.36% of her salary into a retirement account and she makes $63,000 in a year, this can be solved by 1.36% x 63000. First convert 1.36% into a decimal. To do this, divide by 100.
1.36% x 63000
=0.0136 x 63000
Heather would put $856.8 in for the whole year. To find how much per month, divide by 12.
</span>Rounded to the nearest dollar is $71.
Heather would put $71 into a retirement account each month.
</em><em>Note: This was solved by multiply the percent and then dividing by 12 months. You could also do this by dividing by 12 months first and then multiplying the percent.</em>
Considering the relation built the presence of point M on line LN, the numerical length of LN is of 9 units.
<h3>What is the relation from the presence of point M on the line LN?</h3>
Point M splits line LN into two parts, LM and MN, hence the total length is given by:
LN = LM + MN.
From the given data, we have that:
Hence we first solve for x.
LN = LM + MN.
2x - 5 = 3 + x - 1
x = 7.
Hence the total length is:
LN = 2x - 5 = 2 x 7 - 5 = 14 - 5 = 9 units.
More can be learned about relations and lines at
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