The term authoritarian is defined as the enforcing or favoring strict obedience to authority with the personal freedom being at expanse.
This term can be used for people that do have high authority, be it in the politics, economy, military...
Usually, something that is ruled by a person that is authoritarian ends up badly for everyone, as most of the people that are bellow that person in the hierarchy suffer, and eventually they get sick of it and take down that person.
Usually the term is used for leaders of countries in more recent times, where we have leaders that have absolute power in their countries, everyone has to obey them, and they rule with iron fist. Some examples of the near past are Hitler, Stalin, Mao Zedong, Pol Pot, Tito, Castro, while from the present day its Kim Jong Un, Berdimuhamedow, Myint...
The authoritarians come in the form of dictator, tyrant, despot, absolutist, autocrat.
It reflected that Rome was the most powerful country at that time so people flocked to participate and take advantage of the times to gain wealth.
D He wished to silence any opposition to the Civil War in the North by imprisoning the opponents.
Given that Habeas corpus is related to the right of individuals against unlawful detention or imprisonment. Then it can be concluded that the best explanation of President Lincoln's purpose in using emergency powers to suspend the right of habeas corpus is that "He wished to silence any opposition to the Civil War in the North by imprisoning the opponents."
This is evident in the fact that at the time of the American civil war, Washington, D.C., was around slave territories thereby having more Confederates sympathizers. These Confederates sympathizers were in the habit of frustrating the plans the Union military actions and discouraging the enlistment into the Union army.
Hence, to curb this, Abraham Lincoln, used emergency powers to suspend the right of habeas corpus, which means, the military authorities could detain any opposition to the Civil War in the North by imprisoning the opponents without due or legal process.
Penn's location for Philadelphia contested because the leader of Maryland claimed the land Philadelphia was located in (Maryland).
He agreed because,is lying to the queen in order to placate her before later killing her. He knows it is the only way to fill the gods , intention to kill Ravana. He wants to escape from the evil influence of queen kaikeyī