The following literary terms and devices may be used in poetry: alliteration-the repetition of the same consonant sound (usually at the beginnings) of several words. IE: He hates hats. apostrophe-address to an person or personified object not present.That maby help.
Answer:(A) because of an oversight in military strategy
Explanation: Winston Churchill is of the opinion that France lost the war as a result of an unintentional mistake from its strategy. France methodological warfare approach was met by a superior military approach, that immediately France succumb to defeat.
France were faced with various failed allied counter attacks, despite having an advantage with superior armored force numerically , the French failed to utilize it properly by launching an attack on the vulnerable German.
My childhood toy growing up was a stuffed animal. It was a stuffed dog it was white and furry. Are used to carry it around everywhere I went, I would never put it down. One day, whenever I was eight years old I dropped it. We had a family dog named Lila; it was a golden retriever. However our dog was only a puppy and it was very playful, it should my stuffed animal in to bits! My step mom tried to sew it back together, but it never worked. It kept on falling apart.