C, both A and B
A salmonella infection is an infection in the intestinal track. Some of the sources of the infection are contaminated water and food, meat, fertilizer and pets.
Symptoms of salmonella include abdominal pain with cramps, diarrhea, vomiting with accompanying nausea. Some people also experience chills and fever.
The illness usually goes away on its own but some patients may need hospital treatment.
Prevention of salmonella include hand washing, cooking well of all foods and avoiding contact with unknown animals.
The correct answer to the question: Dr. Gonzalez is:___ would be: Checking the validity of his tool to measure depressive symptoms.
Dr. Gonzalez, as a researcher, wants to test a tool that he himself created in order to measure depressive symptoms in Hispanic women. In order to validate his tool, and know if it will give acceptable results, he compares his tool with others than have already been established, and scientifically proven as effective. As such, he not only will ask participants in his study respond to his instrument, but he will also apply one that has already been used with that purpose: the Beck Depression Inventory, and another one that will measure factors not related to depression, known as a social desirability scale. With the results from all three tools, Dr. Gonzalez will be able to ascertain the validity of his own scale, and test it against others. In this way, he is further vaidating his results as well, and showing the accuracy of his own instrument.
According to the Evolutionary ideology, a wide range of individual and social problems require medical treatment.
Evolutionary psychology is based on several middle premises. The brain is an statistics processing tool, and it produces behavior in response to external and internal inputs. The mind adaptive mechanisms have been shaped by means of herbal and choice. Evolutionary procedures can generate novel hypotheses approximately social behavior which can then be examined with experiments.
The idea that explains the convincing origin of the state, is the historical or Evolutionary principle. It describes the nation is the made from boom, a peaceful and composed evolution stretching over an extended time period and in the long run shaping itself into the complicated shape of a contemporary country.
Evolutionary psychology is a theoretical technique to psychology that tries to give an explanation for useful mental and psychological developments. Evolutionary theories take the lengthy-time period observe the emergence of the human species. according to this attitude, humans of nowadays carry with them genetically guided characteristics surpassed from generation to era that have contributed to survival and reproductive achievement.
Learn more about medical treatment
The carotid arteries are a pair of arteries located on both sides of your neck that deliver blood to your head and brain. Hope this helps!
A) Take whatever action was necessary to combat the danger.
This response would be more likely in the case of an Orwellian culture, which the author states is like "a prison" and "much easier to recognize, and oppose than a Huxleyan [world]."
B) Listen carefully to the commentator and then explain the ideas to others.
The passage suggests the opposite response: "Huxley believed that we are in a race between education and disaster, and he wrote continuously about the necessity of our understanding the politics and epistemology of media, he was trying to tell us that what afflicted people in <em>Brave New World</em> was not that they were laughing instead of thinking."
C) charge that the commentator was irrational or needlessly alarming viewers.
The passage suggests that the commentator would invite this charge: "Those who speak about this matter must often raise their voices to a near hysterical pitch, inviting the charge that they are everything from wimps to public nuisances to Jeremiahs."
D) Be receptive to learning more about the danger.
The viewers would be unreceptive to learning about the danger, because, according to the author, this world would appear benign.