The diagnosis code ( CPT ) for the treatment of A patient taken to surgery for removal of a squamous cell carcinoma from his left ankle is C44.722
ICD ( international classification of diseases) are classification used by medical professionals to assign diagnoses(medical) to a patient while the CPT ( current procedural terminology ) codes simply identifies the kind of treatment provided to a patient by a medical professional
Answer: The best method of controlling bleeding is to: a) Apply a tourniquet b) Apply direct pressure to the injury c) Compress pressure points between the injury and the heart d) Bandage the area
Explanation: C). jaundice i think
An artificial heart is made from machine. Artificial heart is also known as a mechanical circulatory support, its function depends on what chambers of the heart it replaces. Artificial heart needs battery for it to work.
A normal heart is made up of muscle tissue, specifically the cardiac muscles. A normal heart only needs the cells of the body that produces energy.
Subsequent INR readings are influenced by the dose, method, and initial INR of vitamin K. For intravenous vitamin K doses of 2 mg or more, INR decrease is comparable. FFP preadministration has no effect on INR readings 48 hours or more after vitamin K administration.
What is Abstract of Vitamin K dosing to reverse warfarin based on INR, route of administration, and home warfarin dose in the acute/critical care setting?
- Commonly, vitamin K is used to reverse the anticoagulant effects of warfarin. The ideal vitamin K dosage and delivery method that does not lengthen bridging therapy are still unclear.
- To ascertain the elements affecting the level and pace of vitamin K-induced INR reversal in the acute/critical care setting.
- 400 patients' charts from between February 2008 and November 2010 who got vitamin K to counteract the effects of warfarin were examined. International normalized ratios (INRs), intravenous or oral vitamin K doses, and whether or not fresh frozen plasma (FFP) was administered were among the information gathered. INRs were measured 12, 24, and 48 hours before vitamin K treatment.
- At baseline, 12 hours, 24 hours, and 48 hours, respectively, intravenous vitamin K decreased INR more quickly than oral vitamin K (5.09, 1.91, 1.54, and 1.41 vs. 5.67, 2.90, 2.14, and 1.58). Subsequent INR values were impacted by baseline INR (p 0.001), method of administration (p 0.001), and vitamin K dosage (p 0.001). For intravenous vitamin K doses of 2 mg or more, there was a similar drop in INR. Home warfarin dose had no effect on INR responses to intravenous or oral vitamin K (p = 0.98 and 0.27, respectively). FFP had no effect on INR readings 48 hours later. Although larger vitamin K doses and longer anticoagulation bridge therapy appeared to be related, neither the incidence (p = 0.63) nor the duration (p = 0.61) were statistically significant.
To learn more about vitamin K doses visit: