So, I hope this helps!
Yes students should be responsible for their learning.
During this day in age, there is so many resources no matter what teacher you have, to find a good learning source. Weather that be an online tutor or an app that Solves a math equation for you ( reference mathpapa. com). It just takes a will. As William Hazlitt says, "When theres a will theres a way". You just have to have the will to find the way to learn. Theres even the free app that we all know, its called You Tube. It can help you with almost anything you dont understand. From linear equations in math too Romeo and Juliet in English, theres so many tools too use. And its all up to you. All up to us, to learn to our fullest potential. And whats stopping us? The only difference is the will power. So whats your will power? Does it stop at grabbing your phone and searching something on You Tube. Or Does it stop at using your phones G.P.S to the library, Using a map your grandpa gave you saying one day you'll need it. Using the map at the bus stop, to research and fill your mind with knowledge? So my anwser is pro. As a student, you are responsible for your learning.
She was 16. She originally started to write this book because on of her friends had gotten beat up so she just wanted to rant, another fun fact: since she was so young and also a girl, she didnt want people to not buy her book becuaseof that so she decided to stay anomus just like j.k rowling
C. clear thesis, a short outline, and a strong conclution
The answer youre looking for is b