what he leaves did not understand
Answer and Explanation:
Plains of wheat, number of fields of flowering canola, numerous rows of fruit trees: stunning photographs have been taken of these landscapes.
Filling these lands with just one crop consider as a mono culture, which is a common and efficient way to produce food and fiber.
International research shows that mono cultures can be adverse to the environment. The production could also affect soil quality, erosion, plants and animals, and, eventually, declining crop yields.
Nature does not work as a Mono culture. Natural ecosystems that seem to be dominated by one plant or tree species also have many other plant species growing under them.
The diversity of plant species and sizes supports diverse wildlife communities. Moreover, this diversity supports ecosystem services just as pollination and biological control.
Fifty years ago last January, George C. Wallace took the oath of office as governor of Alabama, pledging to defy the U.S. Supreme Court’s 1954 Brown v. Board of Education decision prohibiting separate public schools for black students. “I draw the line in the dust,” Wallace shouted, “and toss the gauntlet before the feet of tyranny, and I say segregation now, segregation tomorrow, and segregation forever” (Wallace 1963).
Eight months later, at the March on Washington for Jobs and Freedom, Martin Luther King Jr. set forth a different vision for American education. “I have a dream,” King proclaimed, that “one day right down in Alabama little black boys and black girls will be able to join hands with little white boys and white girls as sisters and brothers.”
Wallace later recanted, saying, “I was wrong. Those days are over, and they ought to be over” (Windham 2012).
They ought to be over, but Wallace’s 1963 call for a line in the dust seems to have been more prescient than King’s vision. Racial isolation of African American children in separate schools located in separate neighborhoods has become a permanent feature of our landscape. Today, African American students are more isolated than they were 40 years ago, while most education policymakers and reformers have abandoned integration as a cause.
Adjectives are words that describe other words. They often give details about how something feels or looks. They can also give details about where something comes from (the origin of the thing) or how long something lasts or the length of something.
In the sentence "The American had long standing love for African birds", long and African are adjectives because they are describing other words, specifically the nouns in the sentence.
Long describes the length of the American's love. African describes the origin of the birds since they are from Africa. The other words in the sentence are not adjectives.
Akela keeps calm in stressful situations and is not easily upset or disturbed.
Akela is a gray lone wolf and the leader of the Pack. He is wise and fair, making decisions and keeping the Pack working and strong from the top of Council Rock.
He went out of his way to protect Mowgli as a cub and this debt is repaid when Mowgli saves the jungle from the red dogs. Akela is a source of great knowledge and inspires great respect from the rest of the Pack.
He's kind and honorable, unlike most of the other wolves. The younger wolves want Akela gone, because they feel Akela is old and they feel they don't need a leader.