You have learned that the 1920s were a decade of social and economic change in the United States, and all these changes earned t
he decade the nickname the "Roaring Twenties." Many Americanshad more money to spend and more leisure time than at any period in the past and delighted in the
opportunities to spend their newfound wealth. In Florida, this meant increased tourism and even a surge in population as more people moved to the
state. All of these forces resulted in what is known as the land boom of the 1920s.
In this task, you will be asked to answer a few short answer questions about the Florida land boom. You will need to do some research online or in other
reference sources to find this information.
Part A
Write a few sentences about your perceptions of the Florida land boom. What does the word "boom" typically mean from an economic
standpoint? What were the characteristics of the Florida land boom?
Part B
Next, define the word “speculation” as it relates to the economy, and then describe how speculation related to Florida’s land boom.
Part C
Finally explain at least two causes of the end of the land boom
Part D
List the titles or links you used while researching the topic in this task