The plants grow because of the energy transferred from the sun
Primary succession starts off with the modification of a previously unoccupied area along with increasing variation- this occurs in barren areas devoid of life like sand dunes, and lava flows. Communities in a primary succession include:
-barren rock
-bacteria and fungi
-mosses and lichen
Further Explanation:
Succession involves small scale changes within a community that occur repeatedly over the life of that community.
Ecological communities are highly dynamic- they gradually evolve. Typically their progression involves:
- colonizing species exploiting uninhabited areas (Primary succession)
- becoming a habitable and increasingly complex community
- there is increased diversity of organisms (Secondary)
The makeup of biological communities is crucial to defining Primary and Secondary succession; eventually, through changes in this makeup, a steady-state or equilibrium is reached called a climax community. While Primary succession starts off with the modification of a previously unoccupied area along with increasing variation; secondary succession begins after major disruption in the community such as fires, storms and flooding.
However, the process of becoming a climax community can be pretty complicated- it is very dependent on other factors like temperature and rainfall. Communities that experience rapid change, frequent major disruptions and even human intervention, are less likely to attain a stable equilibrium and may never become climax communities.
Learn more about ecological succession at
B): Gold is in fact heavier than silver. Smaller gold objects will be heavier than silver objects even if they're both the same size.
C): I cannot answer this question because it would be an opinion. Both are good in nutritional value.
Primary succession occurs in areas without life, while secondary succession occurs in places that were previously inhabitated.
Hope this helps!
The lactose-digesting bacteria like to grow on milk agar .Bacillus cereus growth and survival were examined during the production of cheese of the Gouda variety. Approximately 102 B. cereus spores per milliliter of cheese milk were intentionally added to pasteurized milk before it was used to make the cheese in the pilot plant.
"milk agar," in which 2% nonfat powdered milk is added to the agar base. lactose-digesting bacteria like to grow on milk agar. Surface plating on B. cereus selective medium was used to count B. cereus, while lactic acid bacteria were counted on lactic agar and MRS agar (de Man-Rogosa-Sharpe). Samples of the milk before renneting, the curd at cutting, the half-whey removal, the final whey removal, the hooping of the curd, the cheese after pressing, the cheese after brining, after one week, after two weeks, after four weeks, and after six weeks were all taken for microbiological analysis. The growth of lactic acid bacteria during cheese production was unaffected by B. cereus.
Learn more about B. cereus here-