1. Help your friend rest their ankle, don't let them put pressure on it.
2. Put ice on the ankle to prevent swelling. Make sure you used a paper towel so that the ice isn't on their bare skin.
3. Immobilize and support the injury.
4. Elevate the ankle above the waist or heart as needed.
Metastasis is the process of spreading cancer where the it spreads from one organ to another area of organ in the body. The cancer cells would break away from its original growth and move to other sites to grow tumors. However, this is not only limited to cancer. It can also happen with other diseases.
If it’s above your maintence cals then you’ll gain and if it’s at maintence then you stay the same weight if it’s under you’ll lose weight
Because your body needs a certain amount of cals to be able function properly and the maintence cals are just the right amount of Cala your body needs to just be at a maintence.
You will lose if you are about 500-1000 Cals below your maintence cals you should lose one pound of fat in 1 -2 weeks
If you eat about 350 Cals above your maintence cals then you would gain an extra pound about every 10 days.