20 is the greatest common denominator. You can find this by listing the factors of each number. The highest number that can fit into both individual numbers is the common denominator. Since 40 is just 20 doubled, and 20 is just 20 once, it fits into both numbers and is also the highest number that can fit.
25. 0.0036 26. 1/64
Step-by-step explanation:
the only statement that is true is the one in option D.
"Bar graphs are used to represent data that is discrete".
<h3>Which of the statements are true regarding dot plots, bar graphs, and histograms?</h3>
Dot plots, bar graphs, and histograms are used to repersent graphically data sets.
Thus, what these graphs do represent are populations in a data set with a given property.
Remember that data is usually discrete, so we usually use dot plots and bar graphs to represent discrete data.
Histograms show distributions of numerical data (it can be used for continuous or discrete data).
With all that in mind, we conclude that the only statement that is true is the one in option D.
"Bar graphs are used to represent data that is discrete".
If you want to learn more about data sets:
I think I may be wrong check
5(x^2n-1)×(2x^3n-1) ^2
=20n3 x8 -20n2 x5 +20n x3 +20n x3 +5n x2-5