The answer is B) Template.
Various templates are available in most all desktop publishing programs, from resume templates in Word to Income Statement templates in Excel. Templates are useful for skipping the general "setup" process of making a document, and allow you to focus more on filling the document with the relevant data and polishing it to your specific needs once most of the legwork is done.
If you want the best possible print, you need to upload the best quality digital file. Sometimes photos might look just fine when you look at them on your computer screen, and you might wonder what’s up with us when we say we can’t print them. Photos that don’t have sufficient resolution will look all blurry and pixilated (blocky with jagged edges) when printed.
The answer is C.) PostScript
Windows utility program.
The operating system is a software used to manage the activities of various parts of the computer system. It acts as a link between the hardware, application software and the user. An example of OS is the Windows OS.
It has the kernel program that directly connects the hardware to the operating system. It provides utility programs to analyse, optimise, control and maintain devices running in the system.
Window utility program is an example of utilities in OS, used to analyse, control, optimise and maintain device and software activities for good system performance.
An example of the windows utility program is the disk defragmenter used to eliminate fragments and rearrange files and unused disk space.
False; creates more room to edit file type. ie: file name, and type on command