Answer explained below
a. A country has a capital city.------------ aggregation(city is part of country)
b. A dining philosopher uses a fork. ----------- association(philosopher and fork are different entities)
c. A file is an ordinary file or a directory file. ------- generalization( both ordinary and directory files are having attributes of files)
d. Files contain records.--------- aggregation( records are part of File)
e. A polygon is composed of an ordered set of points. ----------- aggregation( points are parts of polygon)
f. A drawing object is text, a geometrical object, or a group. --------- generalization( text and geometrical objects are drawing object)
g. A person uses a computer language on a project. -------- aggregation( person and computer language are part of project)
h. Modems and keyboards are input/output devices. -------- aggregation( Modems and keyboards both are I/O devices)
i. Classes may have several attributes.------- aggregation( attributes are part of classes)
j. A person plays for a team in a certain year. ----------- aggregation(player is part of team)
k. A route connects two cities. --------- aggregation( route consists of two cities)
l. A student takes a course from a professor. ----------- association( student and course are separate entities)
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B. 10%
The JPG file is a great format as it often manages to compress files to 1/10 of the size of the original file which is especially good for saving on bandwidth. JPG is a popular graphic format, which is characterized by a high degree of compression, which leads to a decrease in image quality.