This kind of intelligence is called the savant syndrome. It's commonly found in people from the autism spectrum disorder. Some examples include people who are not independent and have problems interacting with other people but who can paint complex scenes after having seen them once.
Answer: In modern view, the origin of variation is mutation. Since Darwin stated that variation will occurs in the most useful part and is retained, most people don't use their left hands, if according to Darwin's theory, those left hands should be going to extinct by now.
If Darwin's theory of variation is acceptable, then dwarfs who always want to be giant, by stretching the body, would have become giant by now.
Darwin just had a general idea about variation, offsprings tends to change in appearance from the parents. But this variation is not in terms of usefulness of the body parts of the parents, it is in terms of Gene mutation of the parents in their offspring.
Explanation: Darwin's 1859 theory set out a theory of Evolution by natural selection to explain adaptation and speciation.
According to Darwin's theory, individual of one generation are qualitatively different from one another this is as a result of natural selection. But in modern science, this is as a result of Gene mutation.
Children compose sentences they have never heard before.
Generative Language can be defined as an innate ability to compose and understand sentences that have never been heard or said before. This principle of Generative Language or Generative Grammar was theorized by Noam Chomsky in 1957 in his book titled "Syntactic Structures."
He theorized that people are born with an innate ability to understand and acquire their native language. Chomsky believed that children are born with this innate language potentiality that further needs to be polished by learning words.
He named this innate ability to acquire language 'universal grammar' which suggests that humans are born wired with the ability to understand and compose the language.
Thus generativity refers that children can form sentences that they have never heard before.
Not completely
I like that we now have an option to wear masks. People who want to can, and those who have breathing issues don't have to. Just because it's not required doesn't mean you can't.