The current DSM-IV would categorize Robert into the category of Gender Identity Disorder. There are two main identification points of the same: the opinion that a person is of other sex, and a persistent and strong gross-gender identification. The person is usually not comfortable with her own gender and behaves opposite.
I want to say animals, but I'm leaning towards the elders of the tribes.
Mainstreaming occurs in this particular
circumstance. What mainstreaming means is, according to Stanley Baran and Dennis Davis
authors of the book “Mass Communication Theory: Foundations, Ferment, and
Future”, that television symbols make the main source of information and influence
the most the person's view of the outside world. It makes person align more with
what TV says than maybe what is actually, objectively true. This can be
explained with the question similar to this one: Are economic austerity
measures failing? We may think they are because someone on the TV is forcing
that they are even if they are actually succeeding. That is why it is important
to critically think and look at real, objective data and for television to be
unbiased and objective as much as it can.
English:The similarities between natural science and social science are which they are both observing specific phenomena. But observation for social scientist can be divided as observation, asking question, studying written document. But natural scientist is not able to use those ways.
Spanish:Las similitudes entre las ciencias naturales y las ciencias sociales son que ambos observan fenómenos específicos. Pero la observación para el científico social se puede dividir como observación, hacer preguntas, estudiar documentos escritos. Pero el científico natural no puede usar esas formas.