The answer is part time work
Based on the scenario above, this illustrates the importance
of modeling. Modeling or role modeling is a tendency of which an individual’s
behavior or character is being emulated because of other people. This is
usually engaged by young people in which we could see in the scenario above as
Viktor imitates his older brother.
No. The Romans did not commit genocide against the Gauls
Julius Ceaser's Gallic Wars occurred from 58 to 51 B.C. Gaul was invaded by the Romans mainly for money. Ceaser needed to pay off his debts and also wanted to keep making a name for himself, thus invading Gaul was the answer. He didn't care about the people who lived there nor did he ever discuss their culture, nationality, or race as being a reason for invading. If we look at the definition of genocide it's "the deliberate or systematic extermination of a national, racial, political, or cultural group." Again, Ceaser never listed any of those as being a reason for invasion; all he needed was victories.
Global poverty is defined as the number of people worldwide who live on less than $1.90 a day. A person surviving on less than $1.90 a day lives in extreme poverty, as defined by the World Bank.