True seems the best answer to pick
The therapist understands the behavioral antecedents and consequences of relevant target behavior.
The therapist understanding of behavioral antecedents and consequences of relevant target behavior will lead to therapeutic success because:
1. It will empower him to know what evidence-based treatments; that is, proven methods and techniques of treatments to use.
2. It will help administer behavioral counselling and guide to patients.
3. It will lead to targetted and reasonable treatment time frame.
4. It will eliminate complications that might occur during therapy.
A on quizlet pay less interest in the long run.
The answer is providing long term care because women are naturally caring because they are likely to be the light of the house because they provide love and care to their family in which is normal to them where in men are likely to be involved in working and doing physical work because of their physique and characteristics.
I Mexican cowboy is called a charro
charreada is a rodeo