The eukaryotes, bacteria, and archaea that live in and on the human body are called normal microbiota. When they were originally discovered, scientists thought that the relationship between these organisms was parasitic because they thought that the organisms benefit from living on the host but did not help the host. In recent years, researchers have determined that most of our resident microbes derive and give benefit to the host. This makes the relationship between host and microbe one of mutualism. Pathogenic, on the other hand, are microbes that cause diseases.
Organisms that eat—or prey on— herbivores are called carnivores. One push, and a trail of dominos falls. During photosynthesis, green plants use energy<span> from the Sun to convert carbon dioxide and water into sugar molecules. The diagram below shows the overall </span>flow<span> of </span>energy<span> through </span>living<span> things.</span>
They do that method because the chemicals, water, or whatever is good for the plants. It is not good for us but good for them. It is sad, it really is. Or it can aslo be becayse it is a cheaper option.
Riparian zones are attractive to livestock because they contain lush vegetation that livestock like to eat.
Riparian zones are the transitional areas between land and a water body such as rivers, streams, or lakes. Riparian zones are attractive to livestock because they contain lush vegetation; a vegetation that has a greater variety of plant species. Shrubs such as willows, herbaceous and aquatic plants, such as rushes and sedges, and trees can be found in riparian zones.