LElla was a world famous and best-selling jazz vocal recording artist
I disagree because of.... and then list the pros and cons of whatever you are agruging for.
A good book <em>to read</em> is Great Expectations.
“to read” is an infinitive verb in the above sentence. It is used as an adjectival infinitive describing a noun <em>book</em>.
Infinitive verb is basically a verb with <em>'to'</em> in front of it. It is a type of verbal (a word form from a verb but functioning differently).
There are three main types of infinitives
1) Adjectival Infinitive: It always follows the noun it is describing.
Examples: A good book to read. A nice way to say something.
2) Adverbial Infinitive: It describes a verb and needs not be near the verb it is describing
Examples: To complete (adverbial infinitive) the task, he asked (verb) for my help. He worked (verb) day and night to make (adverbial infinitive) a living.
3) Nominal infinitive: It may act as
a) Subject: To be or not to be is the question.
b) Direct Object: He requested to leave.
c) Retained Object: He tried to help her.
They are connected because the fight against fascism during World War II delivered to the forefront the contradictions between America's ideals of democracy and equality and its treatment of racial minorities. Throughout the war, the NAACP and alternative civil rights organizations worked to end discrimination within the military.