Imagination, without any knowledge of the impossible you test the boundaries and redefine it. Logic is linear and does not question beyond already known concepts, although it may aid in current, defined situations- imagination is able to aid in all!
romeo is dreaming about his untimely death. this is a foreshadow about hwat is yet to happen
by the end of the book, his dream is fullfilled through ju;iets death as well as his own
hope this help plz vote me the brainliest
Use docs then open biblography and that will help you credit sources.
The correct answers are
four, six, two.
Four colors are designated for text and background - those are the first four horizontal colors. Six color are used for accents and highlights, which can be seen over those first four colors. And finally, only two colors are used for hyperlinks, but they are not found in the image I've attached here.