All percentages can be expressed as fractions or decimals. To find a percentage of a number, we multiply the percentage with the number. In this case:
3/100 * 16/1 = 48/100 = 0.48
0.03 * 16 = 0.48
Her new hourly wage would be $16.48
I don't know....... sorry.............
For any point to be in the first quadrant, it must have a positive "x" value and "y" value.
If x = 1 then y = 2, a point with both x and y positive values which would be in the First Quadrant.
1. A. 550 meters.
this is because 2.5 km = 2500 meters, since there are 1000 meters in one kilometer.
therefore, 2500 - 1950 = 550 meters.
2. B. 126 inches.
this is because there are 12 inches in one foot, so we multiply 12 by 10 since there are 10 full feet. this leaves us with 120. then, we add half a foot, which is 6 inches. therefore, it is 126 :)
Your proof is correct and very well done