Gold, God, and Glory. They went to the new world, America, so they could find new materials, gold being one of them. Then they used Religion as a smoke screen, covering up the real reason why they were there, to steal and obtain gold. They acted as if they were attempting to convert the American Indians over to Christianity. And then glory, they wanted to be praised because of their adventure to the new world.
Fifteenth Amendment to the United States Constitution
The Homestead Act was attractive to settlers, because it gave land to anyone over 21, or head of family (even women and former slaves), who applied for land, this land for a very cheap price (or no price at all) and through this it enabled easy settlement. The farmers had to then cultivate the land for a period of time, and if they did not abandon it and tended to it properly, it became their property.
Union forces overwhelmed Confederate defenses and continued their march.
During the "Grant's March" that occurred between 29th till 31st March of 1863 which happened from Tennessee and the Mississippi River, there were different battles that occurred, of which the Union forces were victorious as they took one of the strongholds of the Confederate forces.
Therefore, from the map, it illustrates that Union forces overwhelmed Confederate defenses and continued their march.
Had the most productive economy in the world.