They may have wanted to rob it
Hi! I am not sure if there are choices written in your question. In case there is none, let me go ahead and answer this for you. The answer would be the Merit Policy. It is the policy that best describes Theodore Roosevelt's policy regarding hiring for government jobs.
Correct Answer: The mentioned Paragraph is an argument.
In the paragraph stated in the question, it was an argument as a result of the silent point which the author tries to list which are characteristics of strong central government.
He based his argument on the fact that, authoritarian states that are one party states would always lead to a strong central government rather than a situation of the states being a multi-party states.
Secondary appraisal
Secondary appraisal
Secondary appraisal is the second stage of cognitive theory which illustrate the individual ability and determination to deal with any situation.
when secondary appraisal deal with primary appraisal then it used to analyze emotional reaction toward particular reaction.
Correct answer Is, B. an enemy of England .