I will assume you mean the Homestead Act of 1862, which was the first and most iconic one. In that case, the requirements were that the homesteader, the one filing the claim, be either the head of the household OR twenty-one years old, they had to live only on the designated land, build a home, improve it, and farm the land for five years, and, finally, they had to be a United States citizen that had never taken up arms against America.
This is my answer:
<em>The author suggests that prosperity has been brought to China by having the needs necessary for a growth economy. In the paragraph above, it states “For the last several years, the country has had fertile soil, and the people have had houses in which to live, enough fish and turtles to eat, and enough cloth and silk to make clothes.” This sentence help by explaining that the people had homes, and were stable. This means more tax for the government, and that leads to economic growth. </em>
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Sorry if I am late or anything.
To begin a civil lawsuit, a person might file a document with the Court explaining how they were injured and what remedy they would like to rectify that injury.