I’m 1960, women made $0.61 for every $1 that men made. So women were not being treated as equals in the work force, and their work was not considered as valuable.
A caricature is a humorous depiction of a person, a situation or behavior, for example, in which the most characteristic features are greatly exaggerated. They can be for entertainment or insult. To achieve this goal, hyperbole is used, while some things and phenomena may be omitted or simplified.
Caricatures are often associated with cartoons, but they also appear in puppetry and theater and as characters. A satire is an example of this, it is an art form in which social criticism is given in a humorous way.
In the 17th and 18th centuries, the use of silver Spanish dollars extended from the Spanish territories in the Americas westwards to Asia and eastwards to Europe, forming the first worldwide currency
It was known as glasnost
It has been used in Russian to mean "openness and transparency. this policy, aided by perestroika which means restructuring,
introduced a series of reforms designed to give new freedoms to the
people, including greater freedom of speech. The press also became far
less controlled, and thousands of political prisoners and many
dissidents were released.</span>