B. Geographically it overlapped both empires
Bread lines were common during the Great Depression when the government at that time failed to properly tackle the problem of unemployment because of their commitment to balanced budgets, regardless of whether they operated in a free trade or protectionist context. Bread lines resolve the problem by offering free meals to the hungry.
In the novel Nectar in a Sieve by Kamala Markandaya, water is a symbol that moves and ends all other symbols. Water through the rain affects the yields of the rice, also, it can come in the form of monsoon to come unexpectedly and also to go, and never can say with certainty when the rain will come and go on a daily basis. Water as a symbol fits perfectly into the type of Hindu religion, which has cyclicality, a circular flow between life and death. The water is present when Nathan dies, the rain that floods the flames on the temple, reminds that no force can resist inevitable death. Also, water is compared with a woman, if nature is dry, it is like a infertile woman, if too immoral is used, then nature is too "mature", so water must be used moderately, or there are dangerous consequences. The relationship between woman and water is also given through the river, it gives life in a moderate form, because the fields are more fertile and have a high yield, but also take life in unhealthy spills and floods. So water can mean an ascent or a fall if it is not used moderately, too much or too little use is not good. Thus, water symbolizes fertility or infertility, life or death, just as the point of the Hindu religion is the circulation of life and death.