These roles are: (1) chief of state, (2) chief executive, (3) chief administrator, (4) chief diplomat
1. As chief of state, the president presides over commemorations of war heroes, throws out the first pitch at baseball games, and attends funerals of world leaders, among other duties.
2.Chief Executive is a term used for Presidential or Prime Ministerial powers given by a constitution or basic law, which allows its holder to implement policy, supervise executive branch of government, prepare executive budget for submission to the legislature, and appoint and remove executive officials.
3. Providing input for business and strategic planning. Setting goals for departments and individual managers. Collaborating with colleagues to implement policies and develop improvements.
4.The president is the nation's chief diplomat. He or she deals directly with the heads of foreign governments.
The Eastern hemisphere is half of the earth that is located east 0° longitude or you can say east of the Prime meridian. The Western Hemisphere is half of the eath that is west of the Primer Meridian This can include oceans and continents as well!
<span>his is an example of </span>Displacement
A testable proposition.
A hypothesis is one of the tools in working in different academic settings. It is used in the both science, social science and art fields.
It is defined here to be simply a proposition that is testable or it can also be defined as a proposition, or set of propositions, set forth as an explanation for the occurrence of some specified group of phenomena, which is either asserted merely as a provisional conjecture to guide investigation or accepted as highly probable in the light of established facts.
It is known as career dating