If you spend to much time trying to think about what other people are thinking whether it’s about you or something else it can lead to missed assumptions. When you assume too often without knowing if something is true or not it can often mess up your brain and lead to failure to communicate (miscommunications)! For example if you thought (or assumed) your best friend didn’t want to be your friend anymore you wouldn’t want to talk to her/him: miscommunication. Sorry if I’m wrong
The most accurate answer among the choices to complete the question is the fourth one (hanging indent). This refers to types of paragraphs in which only the second and succeeding lines are being indented.
Hope my answer has come to satisfy your query.
Explanation: re·flect
Learn to pronounce
past tense: reflected; past participle: reflected
(of a surface or body) throw back (heat, light, or sound) without absorbing it.
"when the sun's rays hit the Earth a lot of the heat is reflected back into space"
think deeply or carefully about.
"he reflected with sadness on the unhappiness of his marriage"