Grunge is like hard rock and punk, although I'm not a fan. Oasis is more along the lines of "Britpop" or rock, but I wouldn't say grunge. Oasis would be your best pick for the second half of your question.
Hello There!
In art, "Value" changes from dark to light. In an artwork, value creates areas of illusion of three dimensions on a two dimensional surface.
you have more motivation i you feel you need to do something on the inside .
Life is a figure, it has various dimensions or areas where you need to have patience, humility, humbleness, kindness, perseverance and compassion. Lack of any one of them circle would not be completed.
Music, dance, drama every activity is an art of life's sphere. These can depict those feelings or emotions which can not be expressed by words. As every performer try to expose his or her feelings through their performance by taking care of all the qualities of life likewise in our personal and professional life we should keep patience, kindness, perseverance, compassion etc. Followings points should keep in mind to balance our life:
- Be patient in life. Right thing will come to you in right time.
- Be humble and kind enough in interaction with others.
- Be compassionate. It will help you to take right decision at right time.
This is amazing! Just try to make the mouth look like a mouth? The more I look at this, the more details I see!!