True (Southeast and south)
Where does the Rio Grande begin? </h2>
Hello, I am the Rio Grande River.
I begin in this mountainous valley in southern Colorado. These are my headwaters, formed from melting snow of the Sangre de Cristo Mountains.
I've been working on a project called the Rio Grande Gorge in Northern New Mexico for a few million years. Some people built a bridge across it. I can't say I'm really impressed. It won't stay there for very long. 100 or so years. I distinctly recall the time when this area was home to enormous sloths and mastodons.
River epoch.
Between the United States of America and the United States of Mexico, I serve as an international border.
I cross the American States of Texas, New Mexico, and Colorado while running. I share a border with Chihuahua, Coahuila, Nuevo León, and Tampalas in Mexico.
The ocean is not usually where I end up. Many people struggle for things like my water, high cost real estate in Taos, or agriculture in otherwise burned deserts.
2019 has been a good year, however, and I’m spilling over my banks in places.