use of a microscope containing improved lenses that could magnify objects almost 300-fold, or 270x. Under these microscopes, Leeuwenhoek <span>found motile objects. </span>
Protein first starts off in the DNA. Then after through all your muscle cells.
Hope this helps
The ability of body systems to increase their function, given the need to adapt, is known as the <u>physiologic reserve.</u>
The ability of body systems to increase their function if the need to adapt arises is known as a physiological reserve. Frequently, this term is used to refer to the operating limits of a particular physiological system when under stress. When this stress exceeds the ability of a particular organ or system to compensate for it, organ failure occurs. Adaptation achieves its highest efficiency when changes are generated gradually/progressively rather than abruptly. In aging, this reserve is diminished and therefore the ability of the organs to adapt to stress is lower, that is, the ability to adapt is reduced in extreme ages.
First the proprioceptors found in the tissues will capture tissue damage and the presence of a continuity solution in the skin, then these receptors will activate the afferent pathway, which is the pathway of pain, which is sensory.
This stimulus that ascends to the central nervous system activates the "flight" mechanism in the face of pain (it is also known as the withdrawal mechanism).
It is in this way that a stimulation is sent to the alpha motor neuron in the form of an action potential as an efferent pathway to the skeletal muscles of the foot and the damaged leg, so that an automatic and involuntary muscle contraction is generated in a matter of millisemas of second after the damage, so the foot is removed from the damage area.
The withdrawal mechanism is a reflex that the human acquires before pain, that is why it is the muscular contraction is automatic and fast once the pain occurs.
So as a summary: 1 - the proprioceptors of the damaged tissue are activated 2- the signal of tissue damage rises as afferent to the CNS 3- the CNS responds by activating a signal that will be sent by interneuronal connections to the alpha motor neuron 4- the signal arrives as potential of action to the alpha motor neuron that innervates the muscles of the surrounding area to which it is damaged 5 - the muscles contract, generating the withdrawal of the limb.