In this specific scenario, the best thing for the agent to do would be to bring the information to the attention of the firm's supervisory principal named to handle such matters in a Supervisory Procedures Manual.
That is because inside information or insider trading is illegal and even though it does not need to be reported to the state securities Administrator, it should still be handled by the firm's supervisory principal in order for it to be handled correctly so that the firm does not get into trouble.
A. predictive validity.
The tool has predictive-validity because it can assess, or predict, out of a sample, which subjects will be depressed in the future, and which subjects will not, producing similar results to other tools that also measure depression, something that gives it credibility.
Private groups and the news media play important roles in shaping opinions in the marketplace of ideas.
The marketplace of ideas denotes to the thought and belief of the idea that the authenticity of the truth or its acceptance depends upon the level of competition which the ideas have with one another. This is irrespective of the view that the truth has been provided by the government or by any authority.
Four major categories of Primary energy use are:
1. Transportation
2. Industrial Process
3. Commercial and residential use
4. Generation of electrical power
Transportation depends entirely on petroleum, whereas
nuclear power, coal, and water power are limited to the production of
electricity. Electricity is in most commercial and residential use. Industrial processes
use natural gas, oil, and electricity. Some oil, natural gas and biomass are
used for the generation of electricity.