It's really more about a lack of educating the children living in poverty that they can get out and how to do it. There is a lot of negative influence that can surround these kids and it is easier from them to make bad choices because of their surroundings. My Dad grew up the 11th out of 12 children in a two bedroom house while his family was on welfare because his father passed away of TB when he was just 3. He went into the Marines and fought in Vietnam so he could get his education paid for. He went on to get his Masters and and works R&D for Intel. He was motivated by wanting something better for himself and was told the Marines could help him get out and make something of himself.
Make them suffer a little: ride backward in elevators all week.
Mental stress is the capacity through which a person deals with stress day to day life. Face the challenges and perform well in the situation. building mental fundamentals are the strategy to cope up with the situation and live a best or healthy life. For example when we go for a gym where we built our physical strength. A person should use some mental health tools to strengthen their mental abilities. try new things and cope up with any difficulty that life throws on you. A person should build resilience strength and well beings that increase positivist in life and increased self-esteem of a person. Well being, optimism these are other self-esteem strategies that increase positivist in a person towards in life. positive regard creates a good relationship between individuals, groups of people and even in the community.
more; less; irrelevant
A reinforcer may be defined as something which increases the chance of a response or a specific behavior to occur. It can be either negative or positive.
In the context, for Ginny who is 5 year old, there is a high chance to choose a more desirable and delayed reinforcer but a less desirable reinforcer if some irrelevant behavior is performed in the delay period.
Scientists thought that modern man and Neanderthals were far less evolved, but in fact Neanderthals and modern man had much more in common and were more similar to what scientists originally thought.
This kind of "mistake" is normal because science is not completely correct, and everything is done through experimentation and hypotheses that lead to testing.
The answer is the gender and development approach. It focuses on differences constructed by society on men and women.