Compromise is very important to a democracy because in a democracy the government is ran by the people or at least in a direct democracy its a little different for a representative democracy. Anyway compromise is important because if half of the country disagrees with the policy and the other half does politicians will typically lean towards making both sides happy with a compromise.
Noel hypothesis.
The theory that best explains segregation under these conditions is the <em>Noel hypothesis</em>. The Noel hypothesis claims that if there is contact of groups were there is ethnocentrism, competition and differential in power, some dominant-minority group will be created. This will lead to inequality. Ethnocentrism is the belief in the superiority of our race and culture. It can make us view the other race as inferior. The three components of this hypothesis were present during the Jim Crow era.
The Black Sea is an inland sea located between far-southeastern Europe and the far-western edges of the continent of Asia and the country of Turkey. It's bordered by Turkey, and by Bulgaria, Romania, Ukraine, Russia and Georgia. Hope this helps!!
“Insure domestic tranquillity “
“Secure the blessings of liberty “
“Establish justice “
“Provide for the common defence “