Cotton constantly needs the name nutrients from the soil and finally the soil didn’t have those nutrients and were no longer able to house cotton that’s often why farmers switch they’re crops yearly so the soil can rebuild the nutrients it needs
Stacy has developed the values that prepare her to become a productive member of society. She has attained socialization.
In sociology, socialization is the process of internalizing a society's norms and ideologies. Socialization is “a means of achieving social and cultural continuity” as it involves both learning and education.
Socialization is strongly associated with developmental psychology. Humans need social experiences to learn about and survive their culture. Socialization is essentially a whole lifelong learning process that has a central influence on the behaviors, beliefs, and behaviors of both adults and children.
Socialization can lead to desirable outcomes (sometimes called "moral") in relation to the society in which it takes place. An individual's views are influenced by a society's consensus and usually gravitate toward what that society deems acceptable or "normal." Socialization only partially explains human beliefs and behavior, assuming that the agent is not a blank slate determined by the environment. Scientific research shows that people are shaped by both social influences and genes.
Learn more about Socialization here:
Serfdom is, under feudalism, a type of manorialism, servitude. Just like Henry, a serf is bound to the land but does not own it. He works the land but must give a portion of his harvest to the landowner. In return, he receives protection from bandits and thieves. It's a condition of debt for indentured servitude.
1.You can now enjoy the ride
2.You can also help your friends to reach a particular destination.
3.You can help your elders as well.
4. You can learn how to drive if earlier you were not having any bike
5. You can learn the ability to drive
1.You can be in debt trap.
2. The owner of the bike may ask you again and again for the bike.
3. If in case bike gets damaged then the owner may harass you.
4.Accident may happen if earlier you were unaware about the skill to drive.
He pardoned Nixon of all crimes. Hope this helps!