The percentage of cars that are black when 80 cars of 300 cars are black is 26.67 or 26 2/3 %.
The percentage is similar to the fractional representation of quantities, where the quantity is shown as a part of the whole, but here the whole is fixed to be 100.
To derive a percentage in fractional form, we divide it by 100.
To derive a fractional form in percentage, we multiply it by 100.
In the question, we are given that 80 cars of 300 cars are black.
We are asked the percentage of cars that are black.
The fraction representing black cars of whole cars can be shown as 80/300 = 4/15.
To convert this into a percentage, we multiply it by 100.
Thus, the percentage of cars that are black = 4/15 * 100% = 80/3% = 26 2/3% = 26.67%.
Thus, the percentage of cars that are black when 80 cars of 300 cars are black is 26.67 or 26 2/3 %.
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