B. One
because an independent variable is something you change. So in a scientific experiment you only change one thing. If you happen to change more than one thing then the test becomes unfair therefore you should repeat and make sure that only one thing is changed this time.
- covers and lines body surfaces
- minimal intercellular substance
- cells are densley packed together
- cells rest on basement membrane
- simple (single line of cells) and stratified (multiple layers)
- squamous (oval like shape), cuboidal (cube shape), columnar (long rectangle shape)
- vascular (tissue doesn't have its own blood supply)
Hope this helps!
Since the
speed of many physiological processes in marine organisms is determined by the
temperature, the first consequence of the changes in the conditions of the
medium becomes offset the timing of seasonal events, such as the timing of
spawning fish. There have also offset migration routes and spawning areas. So,
as a result of warming in the Sea of Japan, spawning navaga shifted to an
earlier date, because of the reduction of the area of "cold spots"
in the eastern Bering Sea shelf feeding migration of pollock, halibut and crab
are lengthened, but because of the temperature rise to the east of Japan,
spawning saury expanding. These changes significantly affect the success of
reproduction, resulting in changes populations of their fishery.
Streams that flow beneath melting glaciers leave long ridges of layered sediments, known as Esker. Eskers are formed within ice-walled tunnels by streams which flowed within and under glaciers. They tended to form around the time of the glacial maximum when the glacier was slow and sluggish and after the retaining ice walls melted away, stream deposits remained as long winding ridges.