An equitable remedy requiring exactly the performance that was specified in a contract is called OR Usually granted only when monetary damages would be an inadequate remedy and the subject matter of the contract is unique is called : Specific Performance.
<h3>What are equitable remedies ?</h3>
An equitable remedy is a contract remedy that restores the parties to the same position they would have been in if no breach of contract occurred. It is also called a "just" or "equitable" remedy. The most common equitable remedies are money damages, specific performance, and rescission.
<h3>What is the Specific Performance?</h3>
Specific performance is an equitable remedy in the law of contract, whereby a court issues an order requiring a party to perform a specific act, such as to complete performance of the contract. It is typically available in the sale of land law, but otherwise is not generally available if damages are an appropriate alternative.
Specific performance is almost never available for contracts of personal service, although performance may also be ensured through the threat of proceedings for contempt of court.
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