2. club fungi
Corn smut is caused by Ustilago maydis while wheat rust is caused by Puccinia triticina. Both Ustilago maydis and Puccinia triticina are classified under division Basidiomycota. Basidiomycota is also called as club fungi. These fungi form specific club-shaped fruiting bodies called basidia. Basidia are the site for the formation of basidiospores.
The Coriolis force bends the air current.
- Coriolis force is an inertial force that opposes or deflects the motion of a freely moving mass from its original path.
- The Deflection of wind and ocean current on Earth are all the effect of coriolis force.
- Such an effect is termed as Coriolis effect.
- Coriolis force act to a particular point of reference and not beyond that.
S phase, g0, g2, g1, metaphase and prophase
The nurse should ensure that the prescribed medicine is clear and transparent.
I think its B it sounds more right than the others