cells in the vegetal half of the embryo should be unpigmented those in the animal half and there should be heavily pigmented.
The Yolk molecules moving in the vegetal halves of the egg which is the case in most of the animals, slows down the cell division. These lesser division area or the zone demarcates the area to be vegetal pole and due to lesser cell division, it becomes unpigmented or less pigmented Based on the observation time and perspect with assuming no movement.
The pole opposite to the vegetal, is animal pole which with absence or less of yolk, gets more ability to divide and hence become more pigmented or heavily pigmented. This brings polarity to the egg and becomes telolecithal egg.
tanam lebih banyak & lebih banyak pohon. penggundulan hutan harus dihentikan. jangan bakar kerupuk. gunakan kendaraan CNG kendaraan.
Dolphins use their strong snouts as a powerful weapon to ram sharks, targeting their soft underbellies and gills to cause injuries. Sharks pose less of a threat to larger members of the dolphin family. Indeed, orcas are the top predator in the ocean and small sharks are a target for some populations.
Burning paper is a chemical change not a physical one. Hope this helped <span>