To make the world a better place for everyone is not a simple task, The majority of you may ask: "Why?". Well, One of the mostbasic reasons is that this world is ihabited by billions and billions of people, and if it's difficult and nearly impossible to find a single topic in which a whole country agrees, imagine finding something that joins the interests of the whole world?
Secondly, accordong to Freudian theory, human beings always have an uncomplete desire. You yourself, maybe you need something in this moment, and when you get it, there will be another object of your desire. Human beings never stop looking for complete happiness, or something that fullfills all of their needs, something they never, ever find. The majority don't even know what they are looking for.
Anyway, in order to make of this world a better place for anyone, from the biologistpoint of view, we humans should start taking care of it a little more. If every single human being starts recycling, or throwing their rubbish in the bin instead of in the street, pollution would gradually decrease until it finally gets to the minimum.
Anothe way of making the world a better placewould be trying to be more tolerant among each other. It's not difficult to stop saying bad comments or sharing destructive opinions towards other people. If every human being could save only 1 negative comment per day, the atmosphere would be a little less harsh for anyone.
• Coral is far more red than her lips' red
• My mistress' eyes are nothing like the sun
• My mistress, when she walks, treads on the ground
In this sonnet, the speaker tells us of how his lover is not very attractive but that he loves her more than anything that is more attractive than her.
He talks about how her lips are not very red and how they are far from coral. He says her eyes are not like the sun which means that she doesn't have beautiful eyes.
Finally in a reference to how beautiful people walk as though they float, he talks about how his lover does not have this quality but instead walks on the ground.
It would be C because a conjunction can stand alone
Unclear question, but I infer you are referring to a passage that isn't mentioned.
e. Personification
Based on the context which referred to abstract objects; time and care, the author seems to be personifying 'Time'.
Note that Personification is a type of figure of speech that attributes or refers to something that is not a person as though it were.
One common example is "Have you seen my car? Isn't she beautiful?". We noticed the car is spoken as though it were a person.