To determine the interest due for the first payment we can solve the following:
interest due on payment 1 = total debt x interest rate x 1/12 = $480,000 x 10% x 1/12 = $4,000
Now we need to subtract the interest due from the first payment:
principal paid = payment - interest due = $4,500 - $4,000 = $500
remaining principal = $480,000 - $500 = $479,500
Data Analysis - Process. Data Analysis is a process of collecting, transforming, cleaning, and modeling data with the goal of discovering the required information. The results so obtained are communicated, suggesting conclusions, and supporting decision-making.
<u>Seniors </u>
The seniors generational cohorts refers to the generation that preceded the generation of baby boomers classified as those individuals who were born between 1946 and 1964.
The seniors generation is habitually complaining, something inherited from their witnessing times of wars and periods of uncertainties and financial distress.
This generation commands respect, special attention and at the same time are more miserly in their spending habits.
Also a common observation being, these individuals are not well familiar and adept with technological advancements such as gadgets, systems and modern day appliances in the sense they require more time to get used to them.
Consumers buy products for their own use, while businesses buy goods to use in their continuing activities and resell to consumers. Customers appetite and the need for manufacturing supplies force organizations to buy products in greater quantities than people.