Using a calculator, the correlation coefficient is of 0.7649. Since the correlation is greater than 0.6, there is strong correlation.
<h3>What is a correlation coefficient?</h3>
- It is an index that measures correlation between two variables, assuming values between -1 and 1.
- If it is positive, the relation is positive, that is, they are direct proportional. If it is negative, they are inverse proportional.
- If the absolute value of the correlation coefficient is greater than 0.6, the relationship is strong.
Using a calculator, we insert the points (x,y) to find the coefficient. In this problem, the points are given as follows:
(1, 5), (4, 8), (8, 3), (13, 10), (19, 13)
The coefficient is of 0.7649. Since the correlation is greater than 0.6, there is strong correlation.
More can be learned about correlation coefficients at