Records of the Gran Historian
Sima Qian is best known for his work which is today referred to as "Records of the Gran Historian" (written in 91 BC) - so none of the answers seem to be perfect
The right answers are:
Lenin and Trotsky.
Vladimir Ilich Lenin was the main Bolshevik leader and Leon Trotsky was another major activist. Both were instrumental in the Bolshevik Party´s quest for power and opposition to the "bourgeois" government of moderate socialist Aleksandr Kerensky that ruled Russia for a few months after the fall of the last Tsar. His government was brought down by the successful Bolshevik revolt in St. Petersburg on November 7, 1917 (October in Russian old style).
This is an opinion question, but I believe that it is possible to seize political control over a country without oppressing the country's people. However, history has shown otherwise (Nazi Germany, British Empire) but we can use past mistakes to improve our future world.
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