It can also be recharged by adding a third phosphate after the phosphate is removed creating ADP (adenosine diphosphate)
B) Vacuoles allow water to enter and exit the paramecium.
Answer: carbohydrate, protein and fat.
There are 3 kind of macromolecules: carbohydrate, protein, and fat. Carbohydrate mostly found in a plant like rice, wheat, barley. In this case, it's on the pizza dough.
Protein mostly found on muscle or meat. Some meat also has fat because they are not separated when cut, like bacon. Fat found in the subcutaneus tissue of animal or oil. Sausages, pepperoni, and bacon have much protein and some fat.
This is a song about adaptation not classification,
with cladograms you dont know whats up,
in your domain its your kingdom.
think about fitness, try evolution,
like a pokemon abra into kadabra.
like a fossil of areodactyl,
going into extinction.
homology try taxomony
with your mind your not a phony.
genetic variation with genetic equilibrum,
Go hand in hand cant even believe them.
genetic variation cant get left out,
truthfully you cant go without.
Natural selection in speciation
dont even know how to go with the flow.
P.S : i made this up as i went (please like it)
The impact of science on society started to become extremely visible after the industrial Revolution in the 8th century. The most significant impact of science on society is in specific sectors, such as information, communication, physical sciences and energy.
Glad To Help, From: JaxyBear :)