People were forced to live a nomadic lifestyle due to the rocky terrain and deserts.
Nomadic people move from one place to different during seasonal changes with their cattle in search of grass. East Asia's highlands are marked by barren land, scarcity of water, and steppes. Nomadic herders roam in small groups and have no stable home. Nomadic people eat through gathering vegetables, fruits, hunting, and raising livestock.
Answer:Claudius argued that giving citizen and high office to conquer Gauls would be good for Rome in a way that he viewed empire as citizenship oriented structure were all who wanted cooperate with Rome could be granted citizenship for example he viewed downfall of Athens in a way that Athenians did not wanted to include
In the early 1900s, African Americans wanted to leave the south because of poor economic conditions (share cropping, etc) and racial discrimination. Slavery had just been abolished in 1865, so people hadn't quite accepted the idea of racial equality. It can be argued that we still haven't.
The Great Migration occurred due to racism in the south.